I can’t stop thinking about it nor can I stop talking about it

“Once the images and subscripts are embedded in the mind by the relentless musical theme, they will be unable to read Scripture or hear preaching without mental recall of false images of a false Christ portrayed by Hollywood actors.”

“It has been nearly three weeks since I saw the rough cut of The Passion . It is still impacting my life. I have never seen a film that has so affected my life.” -Del Tackett, Executive Vice President, Focus On The Family

“Whatever your perspective, if you watch Mel Gibson’s new movie, ‘ The Passion of the Christ,’ you will never look at the cross the same way again” (Graham, Franklin. To the Point, The Point of ‘ The Passion ‘. )

I have seen things that no one but someone God called and God protected should view

“I felt as I came out of the screening that there is a great amount of detail in the movie that you don’t read in the Bible. until you read the Bible again .” ( The Passion of Christ,

“I’ve read The Passion narratives of the Lord and contemplated them and prayed over them many, many times, and I’ve never thought of the crucifixion with the images that I received while watching this, I’ll never read the words the same way again .” -Cardinal Francis George, Archbishop of Chicago (Chicago Sun Times, )

” The Passion will penetrate the mind, heart and soul in ways that can only be memorable and positive.” – Donald Hodel, President and CEO, Focus on the Family

” I know the images it left in my mind , It would be very difficult for an elementary-age kid to see it and deal with it.” Greg Davis, executive Director of First Priority of Alabama (Garrison, Greg. Most ministers feel ‘Passion’ not for kids. The Birmingham News. p. H1)

“Thank you for allowing our congregation to preview the movie trailer of The Passion . In just four short minutes, the images and the authenticity left our members ‘spell bound’. ” -Max Lucado, Pastor – Best selling Author

Something went right to the heart of those who watched the trailer

“I feel as if I have actually been there. I was moved to tears. No one who views this film’s compelling imagery will ever be the same . Every time I preach or speak about the Cross, the things I saw on the screen will be on my heart and mind.” -Billy Graham

What a sad confession. It is especially troubling within the darkness of the Anne Catherine Emmerich’s demonic-inspired material infecting The Passion .

In my 25 years of research, preaching, teaching and writing, I have researched many filthy Corona escort girl and satanic subjects. I have watched videos of actual bloody, satanic rituals. I have listened to hard-core satanic music and the Satanic Black Mass. I have seen many violent and vulgar things. But the one thing I have vigorously avoided is religious movies and videos, especially about the Lord Jesus. I have avoided them like a “pit bull with AIDS”.

When the Jesus Video Project was mass mailing out The Jesus video by the millions (several came to my house), people called or wrote asking my opinion. I replied, “I have not watched it and I will not watch it”. Why the strict avoidance of the Jesus videos? Because when I read the word of God, I want the Holy Spirit to have as clean a canvas as possible concerning my Saviour and the spiritual things of God to paint into my mind what He wants me to “see”.


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