This one bothered me much more, as it was recent and their relationship had only lasted a month

Besides, you have probably looked at tons of porn and fantasized about all sorts of raunchy sexual acts

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I conclusion, those guys probably aren’t thinking about doing you girlfriend, and if they are that just means they are jealous of you and not visa versa. As Gunnery Sergeant Hartman said, “There will be no more finger b%& Mary Jane Rotten Crotch through her pretty pink panties!”

Later that night on the phone I expressed my depression; to this she could offer no words of comfort. In fact, for a long while after that it was just the regular ‘i cant change the past’ and ‘well nobody can compare’ answers from her that you might expect from a movie. What I really wanted was some admittance from her that if she liked me so much more than the other guys, she should not have slept with them, perhaps even a sorry. There was also the growing paranoia that one may have been hung like a horse or that I might somehow run into one of them and get some grief.

Strangely, one had been a friend in my early school days. Somehow that did not bother me so much, as they had been in an ongoing relationship for quite some time (which I did not know of). The other was a guy she had dated earlier in the summer that I met her. I thought maybe he just wanted to get into her pants, maybe she enjoyed it, big dick, etc.

In the end, it is like that math test you failed in 7th grade, or maybe that really embarrassing moment you thought you would never forget best free hookup apps iphone – you did.

Besides, you have probably looked at tons of porn and fantasized about all sorts of raunchy sexual acts

I conclusion, those guys probably aren’t thinking about doing you girlfriend, and if they are that just means they are jealous of you and not visa versa. As Gunnery Sergeant Hartman said, “There will be no more finger b%& Mary Jane Rotten Crotch through her pretty pink panties!”

For me, the number is not as significant as the nature of the previous partners. I am a realist and don’t imagine that many people will be virgins when they marry but the thought of your partner giving it away easily is hard to deal with.

I’m proud of the respect I have shown woman throughout my life however I feel that the respect I’ve shown is only rewarded when I’m with someone who has shown similar respect to others and themselves otherwise I feel cheated and resentfull.

I think love is a precious gift that only fools are careless with and I intend to persevere for the mean time but I do wonder if I will ever be able to have peace on this issue?

I am in ALMOST identical situation as u, ive been going out with this amazing girl for jus over 2 month now, she makes me happy and shes my everything. She told me recently that she has slept over 30+ guys and been gangbanged before. I flipped for a few days, and it does hurt at the end of the day. I’ve planned to stick her with for as long as i can because she does make me smile at the end of the day. don’t worry about the people in the past, there’s a reason why they didn’t make it to the future. good luck

Give your partner a fair chance. Stop thinking about “the others” in her life. Right now, and hopefully until you are both old. very old, the two of you will have a happy life together, accentuated by an active sex life.


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