Knowledge Base – Amazing Features Of Pregnancy + Application For Phones You Didn’t Know Yet [Part 2].

If you were overweight pre-pregnancy, we would recommend that you gain less during pregnancy. If you are underweight or have a multiple gestation, we would recommend you gain more during pregnancy. If you wish to eat bean sprouts during your pregnancy, they should be cooked to prevent listeria. During these first three months, your body is undergoing many changes. Fatigue, nausea, backaches and mood swings are all very common at this stage. Some slight vaginal spotting is usually normal at this stage.

  • Today, very few obstetric providers would belittle the importance of having the father present to support his wife and bond with the infant.
  • “We can never guarantee that someone won’t get gestational diabetes,” she says.
  • Some of the conventional methods will cost you tens of thousands of dollars which can really hurt you financially not to mention that they may not even work.
  • Some doctors seem to want to push a c-section at the mere hint of an issue.
  • All women should be in the best health possible before becoming pregnant.
  • Because many women have irregular periods, and women may miscalculate when their period is due, 10 to 20 pregnant women out of every 100 will not detect their pregnancy on the first day of their missed period.

To have a license, a provider has to have a certain amount of education and training and pass certain tests to make sure he can safely take care of patients. Board certified means that a provider has had extra training in a certain area . Your first prenatal visit is an important time to meet your doctor, midwife, or nurse practitioner and get all your initial questions answered. It’s hard not to get giddy about your first prenatal visit—that first ultrasound picture, hearing your baby’s heartbeat for the first time. Even as an OB/GYN who has performed countless ultrasounds, I was overwhelmed with the excitement of my first glimpse.

Anytime, Anywhere

Follow the appropriate links for a complete description of each leave program described. If there is any question as to whether or not a woman is having a miscarriage based on an ultrasound scan, the usual course of action is to do another ultrasound in a few days or a week. Sometimes, however, the presence of other diagnostic information can help a doctor to interpret ultrasound results.

The diagnosis of pregnancy is a sensitive and emotional time for the adolescent, her family, and her sexual partner. A warm and accepting environment in which the adolescent feels sufficiently secure to explore her own feelings about pregnancy is essential. Becoming a parent, placing a child for adoption, or having an abortion may have significant personal and long-term consequences for adolescents. It is important to ensure continuing help and support, regardless of the adolescent’s decisions about her pregnancy.

How To Take The Most Accurate Pregnancy Test

Even if you’ve never been pregnant before, you’ve probably heard about the glucose test—when you have to chug unnaturally colored sugar water before having your blood drawn in order to test for gestational diabetes. This detailed ultrasound, generally between weeks 18 to 20 of pregnancy, lasts 20 to 45 minutes if you’re having one baby and longer if you’re having multiples. This is the most thorough checkup your baby will have before she is born. Pregnancy ultrasounds provide your doctor with plenty of valuable information.


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