Team Development

This starts with a willingness to listen and consider the interests of others. Relationships are also new at this point and team members tend to feel a strong need to be accepted by the group. To maintain group harmony, team members keep things simple and avoid controversy and conflict. Team members are unfamiliar with the groups tasks and so they rely heavily on the group leader for guidance and direction. When people are brought together as a team, they don’t necessarily function as a team right from the start.

  • The leadership style of a project manager in different phases of team formation is a fascinating topic.
  • Some team members can feel threatened by the large amount of responsibility they are given – causing them resist and revert back to storming stage.
  • It has to undergo all the five stages to achieve team dynamics and accomplish intended results.
  • Management qualities will help you assign and complete tasks, and leadership qualities will help you motivate and influence your team members to work efficiently.
  • There is a collaborative environment in which team members use their resources most efficiently.
  • The manager, as the team sponsor, must understand how to support the team at each stage for it to succeed.

Any arguments, disagreements, disputes, and the like will be channeled toward making the team stronger. Finally, performing teams utilize their established communication protocols and action plans. Your team members are taking themselves and each other seriously. They have moved beyond understanding differences to valuing them and leveraging individual strengths.

The 5 Stages Of Team Development

The skills of each member are fully optimized, supervision is almost never needed, and members feel a strong sense of trust in one another. In this stage success occurs and the team has all the resources to meet their objectives. Within the team, members will develop an appreciation for each other as well as build trust.

The team has reached a high level of maturity and is now able to work and solve problems with minimal supervision. Team members support each other and dynamically adjust roles and tasks based on the changing needs of the team. The manager, as the team sponsor, must understand how to support the team at each stage for it to succeed. Your role here is to act as the team’s champion, securing resources and minimizing roadblocks in the organization.

Building and maintaining a team with members of different capabilities is not an easy task. They tend to move through a number of stages – forming, storming, norming, and performing – as group members establish roles, relationships and figure out how to work together. As a leader, it’s important to know where your team is and how you can help them move through to the next stage of development. The company may be a weak or balanced matrix organization where you have limited authority, so leadership qualities will help you influence and motivate your team members. This leadership style is useful when team members are skilled, experienced, and capable of working independently.

Maintaining an effective team is much like maintaining a garden; if left unattended, it loses its ability to thrive. Team development ensures that the team can thrive in the long term. If you feel your team is stuck, share this information with them and ask them to self-diagnose where they think they are and what they need to do to move on to the next stage.

You don’t need all the team members in the initiation and planning phase, and most are hired at the beginning of the execution phase. Therefore, it will be safe to assume that the Forming stage includes the initiation, planning, and the beginning of the execution phase. Storming, Norming, Performing, and Adjourning will follow the same order.

It is a fact that a team leader can make or break a team and the project he is in charge of. Engaging in the stages of team development is important as everyone in the team can learn about their roles, duties and potential and how it will have an impact on the teamwork. It is also an opportunity to know about the talent of the rest of the members and reflect on team strength and team dynamics. The performing stage of team development is the stage when the group is working at its best and has completed most of its allotted work. The members use each other’s strengths to reach peak capacity and enhance the levels of team efficiency and productivity.

Common Issues In Team Development

Some team members can feel threatened by the large amount of responsibility they are given – causing them resist and revert back to storming stage. To prevent this from happening team members must be aware of the common pitfalls that may occur during this stage and take appropriate steps to ensure they don’t. Member agree about the roles and processes required to solve problems. Members of the team adjust their work habits and behavior in order to accommodate other team members and make the work on the team more smooth and natural. Team members work through this phase by agreeing on rules, values, professional behavior, and methods. As team members learn more about each other their perspectives about each other change .

Laissez-faire is a French word that means “don’t interfere” or “let go.” This leadership is also known as delegating leadership. In this style, the project managers trust their team members and allow them to work freely. Teams cannot exist indefinitely if there is overarching goal to achieve. Tuckman added the adjourning stage as a final stage to his four stage process.

Teams that want to enter the performing stage should take the following action steps during the norming stage. For teams to move from the storming stage the norming stage they typically do the following tasks. Roles and processes expand to include giving support to and learning more about teacher-powered school community. To grow from this stage, team members need to build their collaborative ability.

Susan Heathfield is an HR and management consultant with an MS degree. I am a serial entrepreneur & I created Marketing91 because I wanted my readers to stay ahead in this hectic business world. Team members accept each other’s differences and communicate openly, sharing ideas and giving feedback.

Traditionally, a team goes through five stages of development, with each stage presenting its own challenges. The goal is for a cohesive team of people to produce a positive outcome that contributes to the success of the organization. Some teams adjourn with silence, some with celebration, and others with sadness. Regardless of the length or success of a project, each team deserves a hearty affirmation of its concerted efforts.

team building phases

Your participation should be much more focused on how the team is tackling problems rather than solving the problems for them. You will still raise issues, ask questions, and challenge approaches, but more to validate the team’s conclusion than to drive it. Leadership belongs to everyone on the team, and the team owns its results.

What Is The Norming Stage Of Team Development?

They need to learn how each individual team member operates and become skilled in coordinating their activities. Team roles are established as well as ground rules for how the team operates (i.e. how things are done around here). At each stage, the behavior of the leader must adapt to the changing and developing needs of the group. An effective leader, who other members of the team want to follow, is indispensable. Simplilearn is a cutting-edge workplace training service that provides just that. At Simplilearn, our corporate training in emerging technologies is transforming our economy with valuable skills that last.

team building phases

Therefore, this stage is sometimes referred to as the mourning stage by teams that must break up. Teachers will come to this guide at different stages in the school creating process. Perhaps you’re curious what designing and running a teacher-powered school entails and want more information. Maybe you already have a team in place and are looking for strategies and advice for moving ahead.

Here Are A Few Leadership Tips For Each Stage:

The group can gain clarity around metrics and vision to achieve desired success. All the five stages of team development follow one another in order so that individuals can become an effective team that can mitigate weaknesses and enhance strengths. It has to undergo all the five stages to achieve team dynamics and accomplish intended results.

The mission of the team may be nonexistent or in the early stages of development, thus individuals may not feel any sort of commitment or ownership toward the team and/or its mission. The individual team members probably don’t know and/or haven’t worked with other members on the team. Obviously there is no team history, and the norms of the team are not yet established. There is a high degree of learning in this phase as members learn about each other, the mission, and their place within the team. Because there is a high degree of unfamiliarity among team members there is high uncertainty and low conflict.

team building phases

It is the final stage and is sometimes referred to as the mourning stage. Most of the teams that are created reach this stage of endpoint when the project is completed. In some cases, this stage is also achieved during restructuring or relocating of a project.

What Is The Forming Stage Of Team Development?

The project is completed, and the team is released or deputed to another project. The project team is temporary; it exists as long as the project does, dissolving with the conclusion. Roles and processes form the Norming stage continue, with refinements as needed.


The interventions we prescribe will depend on our findings during the assessment. Not every team moves through these stages in order and various activities such as adding a new team member can send the team back to an earlier stage. The length of time necessary for progressing through these stages depends on the experience of the team building phases members, the knowledge and skill of the team members, and the support the team receives. Team development is very important for an organization as it will make sure that all the people in the team are working to meet the goal of the project. The focus is on a team that will thrive at all costs and achieve success in the long run.

With a thoughtful look at each stage of team development, you can solve problems before they derail the team. You cannot treat a team the same at each stage of its development because the stages dictate different support actions. These support actions, taken at the right time, will allow your teams to successfully meet their challenges. Some teams reach a stage of development in which they thrive at their individual and collective tasks.

It is often referred to as the calm after the storm as the members learn how to handle conflict and proceed amicably. The working atmosphere becomes familiar and normal and people become comfortable in their joint spaces. The skills of the members are validated, they are aware of their role in the team and fall into a rhythm to become a cohesive unit. The norming stage of team development is the calm after the storm.

Building A Strong Team: The Stages Of Team Development

Teams collectively work to solve problems and get the job done without the need for outside supervision or unnecessary conflict. The team is focused, effective, and achieves extraordinary results. There is a collaborative environment in which team members use their resources most efficiently. Team leaders focus more on strategy as well as communicating successes and areas of opportunity because the team takes on the responsibility of decision making. School leadership teams in this stage know how to run their teacher- powered school. Team members are motivated to achieve goals set by the team, and they operate competently within established structures.

What Are The 5 Stages Of Team Development?

In this stage, team members are acting like one, interdependent and adjusted. Now they are a high-performing team and can work with less supervision. To grow from this stage to the next, each team member must be prepared to risk the possibility of conflict. However, in the case of ongoing teams, such as a department team, social media team, or a customer service team, the “Ending” stage is not applicable. The FiveStages of Team Development were developed by psychologist Bruce Tuckman in 1965. These five stages advance as a team works together, but especially when a team brings awareness to their dynamic.


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